This is an example of a full width text box on a page that is set to use a Right Sidebar. Like the full width page, any row type/division/element can be used, but it will be sized into the reduced size content area because of the right side bar.
This sidebar on this page is set to “Page Sidebar”
There is also a “Blog Sidebar”, but that is used exclusively on the Blog page.
The lines above and below are horizontal lines inserted from the text area by clicking on the “Horizontal Line” icon in the typography bar.
You can add a photo (or photos) as you would in a word processor. To wrap around the photo(s), click the photo and click on the left (or right) edge icon.
Format Headings with Heading 1 (2, 3, 4, 5, 6 — all descending in type size)
Format paragraph text with size, color, bold, italic.
Bullet points can be added from the typography bar above — just click on the bulleted list icon. Bullet lines must be separated by a hard return (enter) to start another bullet
- first bullet
- second bullet
- third bullet
Don’t try to put multiple line breaks or space bar spacings — they won’t work.
Only a hard return (enter) for a paragraph break or to break a style setting (such as here H4 returns to paragraph setting when ‘enter’ is hit).
A soft return (shift-enter) will keep lines closer and continue the style settings. (such as returning to paragraph style, here)