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The WPPC’s Next Walks on the Wild Side are Saturday, August 10, 2024 at 9:30am & 10:45am!

The final two yard walks of the 2024 season will be Saturday August 10 at 9:30am and 10:45am in the Spring Grove area. The first walk will be at the property of Drew Knobloch and Robin Taylor at 9:30am.  This beautiful yard showcases various young native prairie gardens started from seed! Enjoy the blooms of Spotted Bee Balm, Compass Plants, Ironweed, and Black-Eyed Susans while seeing the progression of the prairie gardens. This yard offers a unique opportunity to compare the different stages of growth as the plants transform and mature over time.  For more information and directions for this first walk, see the event listing1106 Paddock Rd, Spring Grove.

The second walk will be at the property of Gretchen and Tim Madsen at 10:45am or whenever everyone arrives from the previous walk.  Gretchen writes:  Our yard is the culmination of (thankfully) minimal blood, lots of sweat, and tears of joy! Our journey began in 2019 with our WPPC mentee garden. From those first plant babies going in the ground, we knew we were hooked and our native gardens have continued to expand and multiply over the years. Our 160 year old home serves as the backdrop to many charming, cottage style gardens bursting with Liatris, Rudbeckias, and Milkweeds. Highlights include flagstone paths that meander through blooms and a small waterfall and pond.  For more information and directions see the event listing1202 Main St Rd, Spring Grove.

These are not open houses!  Guided tours will begin at 9:30am and 10:45am.  The walks are free of charge and no pre-registation is required.

Top 10 Things New Native Gardeners Need to Know

Watch an inspiring presentation that will encourage people new to native gardening or give the already convinced some new ideas. This was a zoom presentation given on March 3rd, 2022 entitled “Top 10 Things New Native Gardeners Need to Know” by Ken Williams. Enjoy!  Click here for video.

If you would like to learn how to plant a native garden in your yard, you can contact Kris Hall at

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Your generous contribution plays a vital role in supporting our organization’s mission to promote and protect our natural environment. Your contribution will help fund our native plant seminar, outdoor classrooms work, pollinator education outreach and our mentoring (Natural Garden in Your Yard) program.


Dedicated to:

Promoting the use of native plants in the landscape through preservation, propagation, and education
Advocating the conservation of open space, natural landscapes, wildlife habitat, scenic resources, and water in McHenry County and neighboring areas for the benefit of the general public
Engaging in and otherwise promoting the scientific study of and educating the public regarding local natural resources